Ph.D. Course: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Prof. Dr. David Blaschke

Thursdays, 9-11 and 11-12, Room 447


0. Introduction [pdf]
1. Ensembles and Partition function. Path Integral representation [pdf]

1.1. Bosonic fields
1.2. Fermionic fields
1.3. Gauge fields

2. Interactions: Hubbard-Stratonovich trick [pdf]

2.1. Walecka Model: liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter [pdf]
2.2. Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model: chiral symmetry breaking and color superconductivity

3. Pair production in strong fields: Schwinger mechanism [pdf]
4. Hawking radiation and Unruh effect: Black holes in the laboratory?
5. Quark and gluon confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics
6. Problems

6.1. Partition function: Introduction [pdf]
6.2. Partition function: Fermi systems [pdf]
6.3. Partition function: Quark matter [pdf]

7. Projects

7.1. Symmetry breaking. Goldstone theorem. Higgs mechanism [pdf]
7.2. Bose condensation. Superconductivity. Superfluidity
7.3. Particle production in strong fields. Schwinger mechanism
7.4. Hawking radiation. Unruh effect
7.5. Confinement of quarks and gluons

8. Group foto

Last update: 11. October 2006