Jerzy Lukierski

Institute of Theoretical Physics


Publications List of Publications

Popular Lectures:
Lecture Lecture: "Science, Religion, Progress" (in Polish)
presented 03.10.2008 at the Symposium "Can Science Replace Religion?" in Copernicus Center, Cracov
Lecture Lecture: "New Concepts of Space in the Description of Microworld" (in Polish)
presented 20.03.2007 at "Studium Generali" of Wroclaw Univ.
Lecture Lecture "From Standard Model to M-theory" (in Polish)

presented on 17.09.2003 at 37-th Meeting of Polish Physicists in Gdańsk
Lecture Lecture "Physics after Einstein": with discussion (in Polish)

presented on 3.03.2000 in Professor Dudek`s Salon
(text prepared by Milena Kowalska)
Lecture Science and Religion - are they compatible? (in Polish; Nauka i religia - czy można pogodzić? )

presented on 15.09.2003 at Discussion Panel at Science Festival (Festiwal Nauki) - Wroclaw
Lecture "Od nauki do światopoglądu naukowego"

Wygłoszone na Piątej Dyskusji Panelowej: "Oblicza fizyki - miedzy fascynacja a niepokojem. Roka fizyki w rozwoju naszej cywilizacji i kultury"
(Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, 11 XII 2009)
Lecture "Remarks about Scientific Cognition" (presented in Polish - "Uwagi o poznaniu naukowym")

Presented at Studio Generale of Wrocław University, 22.05.2012
"Remarks about Scientific Cognition" - to appear in materials of Studium Generale of the Wroclaw University

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