XXIX Max Born Symposium: Super, Quantum & Twistors II

XXIX Max Born Symposium: Super, Quantum & Twistors II

Wroclaw 28-30 June 2011

Peter C. Stichel

Physics Dept.,Univ. Bielefeld (Bielefeld Germany)

and Wojtek J. Zakrzewski

Durham University (Durham, UK)

(presented by P. Stichel)

Darkon fluid - a model for the dark sector of the Universe?

We introduce darkons as fluid particles of a Galilean massless self-gravitating fluid. This fluid exhibits anisotropic scaling with z=5/3. The minimal gravitational coupling dynamically generates a gravitational mass density of either sign. Hence such fluid may serve as a model for the dark sector of the Universe. Its cosmological solutions give a deceleration phase for the early Universe and an acceleration phase for the late Universe. Will the steady flow solutions lead to a confining potential and so a possible model for halos?