Riccardo Borsato, University of Santiago de Compostela, Galician Institute of High Energy Physics

Deformations of 2D field theories and the light-cone gauge

Recently, there has been a lot of progress in the construction of deformations of 2-dimensional integrable field theories that do not break the original integrity. Often, the motivation is related to the realization of such integrable models in the context of the holographic duality, thus opening the possibility to obtain exact results for gauge and gravity theories and their deformations. At the same time, the study of such deformations has led to some puzzles that force us to better understand already the undeformed models. In particular, in this talk I will explain why it is important to carefully choose the light-cone gauge (necessary to fix the reparametrisation invariance on the worldsheet of the string) in order to have a workable description of the deformed models, and I will show how inequivalent light-cone gauges are related to each other.